Saturday, 7 April 2012

Growing up isn't something to be scared of, in fact, I've never been enjoying life so much.

Look, as a kid, in school, I was always scared of growing up, getting a job, responsibility, kids, getting fat, not having as much sex, not having enough time to play the computer games I love, and to be fair, I couldn't be blamed for this outlook, and neither can you, if you are in that situation.

You often see comedians joking about their tragic jail sentence of a life, wife and kids, how much of an effort it all is and how they long to be young again, but honestly, in comparison, being young really, and truly, sucks.

I stress the phrase 'in comparison', because on it's own, being a kid can be pretty awesome, but it all depends on perspective. I remember school through rose tinted glasses, but the fact I realize that I am only witnessing the 'Best Of' reel in my mind allows me to look beyond that, and what I see is BOREDOM. If you think about all the fun you had in school, also think about the fact that six hours of your day were spent in a classroom learning things that, for the most part, will be entirely useless as you grow up.

All the while you're living under someone else's roof and under their rules. It's tough, but computer games, internet and occasional going out to embrace sunlight on your pale and sickly skin makes it seem awesome. Everyone has a summer that they remember fondly, if not more, but do you know why you remember it so fondly? Because it's a relief knowing you have no school, nothing weighing on your mind except from living your life and learning how to be a person.

I have a theory for this that should help you picture what I mean. If you get a rubber band and pull it as far as it can go, it will fly miles away, but if you barely pull it, it'll barely move.

Essentially, you only enjoy the free time as a kid so much because the rest of the time you're forced into doing and learning things you have no comprehension or control over, but just as the rubber band will slow and eventually fall, so will your free time seem normal and less special.

As an adult, however, people sometimes have a tendency to never have that 'release' and as such, the rubber band will snap. You can burn yourself out as an adult, but there is more to that.

When you leave school, and this is true for most people I know, you will stop playing computer games, or at least you will spend significantly less time doing so, and this is doubly true for RPG's and the like, because in an RPG, you can be who you want to be, you are in control of that character and you can shape your virtual self free of the constraints of your parents or school.

Let me blow your mind with a rather obvious statement. Once you leave school, you are your own person. You don't need to play these games, the world is now open to you, you can do whatever you want.

This is daunting, but exciting, and awesome. Some things won't change, but some things will, and it's not 100% great, as I said, but it gives you so much more freedom.

It's all about perspective, and this is probably the most important lesson I can ever teach anyone because I can guarantee it will make life a lot easier and seem much less harsh.

We look at bankers and the rich with detest, all of their money, living their life in fast cars and easy women. We say it's not fair and that we should all have those opportunities. Now look at the poor areas of the world, say Iraq or North Korea. How do you think they look at YOU, not our bankers, but you specifically. They have nothing, and you have a computer, internet connection, healthcare, money for food and entertainment, everything they could dream of, yet you're complaining?

There's always going to be someone above you and someone below you, but it doesn't matter, you will find troubles in your world no matter what situation you are in, rich, poor, old or even, yes, young.

Life is what you make of it. Pick causes to fight for that you stand a chance of influencing, but never let those causes stop you from enjoying the world. If you can't influence something, don't get involved, you're no good to anyone dead or used up.

And I will leave you with something to think of. If you're genuinely scared of a lifetime with the person you are with, then you are not with the right person, it is that simple. Regardless of if it works out, if you are willing and ready to try without fear, then that's all you need.

Glass half empty, glass half full, just remember that some people have neither the glass or the water to fill it.

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