Now, the people who peddle S.O.P.A. will have you believe that it's to prevent piracy, nothing more, no infringing on personal liberties, just to respect intellectual copyright, so people get paid for their hard work.
Of course, this would be fine, if the bill wasn't worded in such a way that it gives the U.S. Government the power to shut down any site it pleases with whatever airy-fairy reason they can find, for instance, this pithy little blog, because I spoke ill of them.
The thing is, we've heard this from everyone, and I was under the impression that people were opposing S.O.P.A. because of this infringement on free speech and it's injustice. The issues S.O.P.A. bring up are pointless, and they do nothing to prevent or scare piracy.
But then I see this.

What, the actual fuck? The idea of stopping internet piracy is the single positive attribute of S.O.P.A., music, films, anything that is pirated was made by other people, their time and money have gone into it all. We cannot oppose it unless we show that we can police ourselves.
I honestly feel there is a need for some form of piracy prevention, I honestly do. I haven't pirated a movie, a game or even music for nigh on 4 years. The problem with S.O.P.A. is that it infringes on our given rights to have a voice, not that it means we can't download Madonna's new bobby shitheap of an album, or watch another rom-com wankfest free of charge.
I tell you this, if S.O.P.A. was perfectly worded to mean it restricted piracy, AND ONLY PIRACY, then I would be all for it.
Megaupload went down recently, and you know what? Good, fuck it, the owner knew exactly what it was there for, and what it was doing. Piracy is wrong, plain and simple, other people worked hard to produce what you're watching, and I'm not just talking about the up highs, the directors and the actors, because you know what? They aren't the ones taking the hit in pay, and all because you think that for some reason you deserve to receive their work free of charge? Since when did you all become so special that you were OWED films and movies?
This idea of "industry big-wigs trying to make money" is just something you have all made up to make you feel better about stealing.
You are stealing. That is exactly what you are doing.
I once heard the argument that it isn't stealing, that "If you had an apple, and I took it, that would be stealing, but if I made a copy of the apple, it wouldn't be, because you still have your apple".
Bullshit, it's called intellectual copyright. If I wrote a song, and then you copied it and I got nothing for my efforts, for that work, then what would you be?
You'd be a fucking thief.
That or Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas.
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